SPARC provides users with a variety of content including artifact and context query results, archival documents, photographic images, and maps. When using SPARC resources, please cite them following the guidelines below:
Unsigned text from SPARC website pages should be credited to SPARC. Examples of unsigned content include all content in the About SPARC website sections and the Native Descendants page.
2018 History of Salmon Pueblo Archaeological Research and Preservation Efforts. The Salmon Pueblo Archaeological Research Collection, December 15, 2018 (
Please provide the following information in a bibliography when citing data returned from a SPARC Query.
2018a Artifact Ornament Query, May 15, 2018. The Salmon Pueblo
Archaeological Research Collection (
2018b Features Query, May 15, 2018. The Salmon Pueblo Archaeological
Research Collection (
Please provide the following information in a bibliography or in a caption when citing maps, documents and photographs available on the SPARC website.
Please provide the following information in a bibliography when citing SPARC data structures.
2015 Ceramic Inventory Table Data Structure. The Salmon Pueblo
Archaeological Research Collection, August 10, 2018(
2018 SPARC Database Structure. The Salmon Pueblo Archaeological Research Collection, August 10, 2018 (