Room 124W is an original Chacoan residential room located in the southeast sector of Salmon Pueblo. It measures 5.2 x 5.2 m. After 1130, a San Juan period kiva (Room 124A) was built into the Chacoan room. Only four strata were identified in 124W, due to the disturbance of sediments during the construction of the San Juan kiva (124A). These strata included an occupational level and a Chacoan floor complex. Five features were recorded in 124W, including two Chacoan doorways, a milling bin, burial, and a hearth. Except for the burial, all features were Chacoan in origin. Given the room's size and position in the pueblo, it probably served a habitation-living function during the Chacoan occupation. But, the thorough nature of later usage removed the vast majority of Chacoan features and deposits from the room. Chacoan construction of Room 124W appears to have occurred during the initial building episode at 1090. One tree ring date of 1072 was obtained. This is likely due to early activity in this part of the pueblo, as discussed under Room 124Z.