Room 118W is an original Chacoan room, of small size in the southeast sector of Salmon Pueblo. It measures 2.9 x 2.2 m. Rooms 118W and 119W were the only rooms that could be clearly identified by the excavators in this part of the pueblo as having two stories. Room 118W contained 31 strata, with only two Chacoan or pre-Chacoan deposits. San Juan age deposits, included roof-fall, structured trash, fill units, feature-related strata, and two distinct floor surfaces. The floor had evidence of activities, including corn milling and storage, and a large amount of corn was recovered from the room. Based on the remains, at least a cubic meter of corn was stored in the room, on the second-story floor. Much of the corn burned when a fire went through the room late in the occupation. Forty-two features were identified in Room 118W, only four were of Chacoan age: four doorways. Most of the San Juan features relate to the burned roof and roof-fall (vigas, latillas, sockets). Other features of note included walls built inside the original Chacoan south and west walls, a burial, and a milling bin. During the San Juan occupation, the room was used for corn storage and milling. In addition, two tchamahias and three axes were recovered from the room, suggesting it also served as a repository for ritual items. Tree-ring dates and ceramic evidence indicate initial construction of the room around 1090, with repairs to the roof at 1105, and San Juan use from the mid-1100s to 1280s.