Room 36W is an original Chacoan room located in the northwest sector of Salmon Pueblo. It measures 5.8 x 2.9 m. Unlike other rooms in this sector of the pueblo, Room 36W was never divided. Room 36W had 46 strata, most attributed to the San Juan occupation. Strata included a San Juan age floor, roof-fall, multiple trash units, post-occupational fill, and feature-related deposits. Thirty-six features were recorded in Room 36W including vigas, latillas, or sockets for roofing, vent windows, doors, an ash pit, wall niches, and lithic concentrations. Tree-ring dates from Room 36W indicate construction and remodeling from 1089-1105. This combined with ceramic and stratigraphic data indicates that the room was used until the terminal fire of the 1280s.