Room 13W is a small San Juan period room located in the west sector of Salmon Pueblo. It measures 2 x 1.4m and lies north of and is associated with Room 14W. Room 13W has a doorway in the east wall opening to an undefined and unexcavated room. The walls were built during the San Juan era with cobbles set in adobe mortar. Four stratigraphic deposits were identified. After the removal of modern sediments, a deteriorated floor was encountered. The limited floor contact assemblage included some Mesa Verde sherds. No features were found in the room. A moderate trash-filled deposit found below the floor level dates to the early San Juan or Chacoan era at the site; no additional work was completed below the trash stratum. Based upon the ceramic assemblage and its high position in the stratigraphy, Room 13W was probably constructed around 1200-1250.